Intellectual Property

Trademarks in Canada

Trademarks in Canada

Our today’s blog post provides an overview of trademark regulation in Canada. The information contained in this article is for guidance only and does not constitute legal advice. If you have any questions of a...
Trademarks in the EU

Trademarks in the EU

TMs can be registered as EUTMs if they help distinguish an enterprise's services/products from those of other companies. Registering TMs in the EU requires meeting several important criteria, such as clarity,
Trademarks in Israel

Trademarks in Israel

Any legal entities or individuals are eligible for registration of a TM in the state of Israel ; no Israeli citizenship or documents confirming a residence permit are required. Which
Trademarks in Mexico

Trademarks in Mexico

TM protection in Mexico can be granted to any TM which helps distinguish a company’s services & goods from those of its competitors. Protection for unconventional TMs in the Republic of Mexico extends
TM Regulation in Malta

TM Regulation in Malta

Registration of a trademark is a necessary measure of brand protection. This article describes the main aspects of TM regulation in Malta, which will be relevant for those planning to start a business in this...
Registering a TM in the US

Registering a TM in the US

Any symbols, drawings, words, or combinations thereof can be registered & protected by US laws. The same applies to slogans, colors, packaging, sounds, tastes, smells & other NVMs. US: Obtaining Ownership
Why Startups Register IP in Canada

Why Startups Register IP in Canada

Much of creating a successful startup depends on developing a recognizable brand. According to opinion polls, 59% of buyers buy goods from familiar brands. But if you're just starting your business in Canada,
Liquidating Legal Entities & Trademarks

Liquidating Legal Entities & Trademarks

It often happens that after filing for liquidation in the EU or US, entrepreneurs have no possibility to manage TMs in Europe & America. In fact, liquidating legal entities doesn’t necessarily involve the transfer of...
What is Registration of Intellectual Property for?

What is Registration of Intellectual Property for?

In the field of intellectual property, IP protection in the US or EU is the first thing IP owners should take care about. By applying for TM registration in the
How to Use the ®️, ™ or © ️ Symbols

How to Use the ®️, ™ or © ️ Symbols

Introduction ®️ stands for “Registered Trademark” (affirmed by the Patent & Trademark Office); ™ means “Trademark” (any mark filed with the Trademark Office); © ️ stands for "Copyright"; ©
How to Register a TM in Switzerland

How to Register a TM in Switzerland

If you want to register a trademark in Switzerland , then you should know that the right to a TM in Switzerland is established only upon registration. Therefore, legal protection is mainly
New Requirements for registering a TM in China

New Requirements for registering a TM in China

Registering a TM in China is the exclusive prerogative of the Beijing IP Court (BIPC). Subject to the powers bestowed on it by the current legislation, it can either reject or invalidate TMs
Registration of TM Сontaining Geographical Names

Registration of TM Сontaining Geographical Names

The protection of a trademark, which contains a geographical name, is a rather complicated issue. Many formalities need to be followed in order to register marks that indicate the geographical origin of a product, for...
Registering a Color as a TM

Registering a Color as a TM

Registering a word or design as a trademark is a common practice. But did you know that you can register a color as a trademark as well? By doing so, you can claim the exclusive...
How Registered Trademarks Are Protected in Turkey

How Registered Trademarks Are Protected in Turkey

This blog post is dedicated to the peculiarities of trademark registration in Turkey. In this jurisdiction, the main legislation governing trademarks is the Intellectual Property Act. Criminal proceedings for trademark infringement
TM Registration and Protection in South Korea

TM Registration and Protection in South Korea

If you decide to register a trademark in South Korea , it will be useful for you to learn about some regulative features in this jurisdiction. Due to major changes in
Specifics of TM Regulation in Montenegro

Specifics of TM Regulation in Montenegro

We’ve already covered the key features of registering a trademark in Montenegro , including issues encountered by entrepreneurs when resolving TM disputes . However, starting a business in this country requires
Registering TM in Mozambique Will Be Easier

Registering TM in Mozambique Will Be Easier

Mozambique will join the ARIPO (African Regional Intellectual Property Organization) system for trademarks and intends to implement the Banjul Protocol. This news was surprising to many despite the fact that the country has long been...
Managing IP Risks

Managing IP Risks

Business management during crises requires careful risk management. In addition to the risks associated with labor & environmental protection, risks associated with IP rights violation pose a direct threat to businesses unless they are timely...
A Guide for Startups Wishing to Register a Trademark in The EU

A Guide for Startups Wishing to Register a Trademark in The EU

Startups are well aware that at the start of a business it is necessary to take care of trademark protection and register it. The trademark is protected territorially, that is, its protection extends
Registering a Trademark in Vietnam

Registering a Trademark in Vietnam

To be able to do business & protect your rights in Vietnam, you must register a trademark in Vietnam . This article will provide you with important information on registering a trademark
Protection of TM and IP in Sweden

Protection of TM and IP in Sweden

Sweden is known both in Europe and around the world as an advocate of intellectual property rights and is a signatory to almost all international conventions in this area. That is, the IP protection issue...
How to Protect TM Associated with Artificial Intelligence

How to Protect TM Associated with Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is an irreversible global trend that is evolving at an incredible rate and constantly poses ever new unique challenges to technology companies. This review will explain why, for AI-related firms, a brand...
Attracting Innovations and Protecting IP in Japan

Attracting Innovations and Protecting IP in Japan

The Japanese share in the global market for innovative technologies is increasing not only due to its own unique technical solutions, but also due to the utilization of foreign inventions and other IP
Trademark Registration and Protection in The EU

Trademark Registration and Protection in The EU

Trademark as a Tool to Stand Out In the world of consumption, the functions performed by the trademark today provide the following benefits for the product and its manufacturer:
Trademark Registration in Saudi Arabia

Trademark Registration in Saudi Arabia

The Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA) is situated at the junction of Africa, Europe and Asia. Being top oil exporter in the world and being seriously committed to promoting an efficient economic diversification