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Registering of companies in the field of mining is a critical stage in the improvement of the mining area, which is significant for the economy of numerous nations. This region is described by high speculation dangers and complex prerequisites, which settles on the ideal decision of ward and consistence with all essential systems basic for effective activities.

The growing demand for resources, their significance for various economic sectors, and their impact on national and international markets determine the significance of registering such businesses. An overview of the industry, an analysis of the speculation attractiveness of various regions, and the requirements and procedures for registering companies in the subsoil development industry are the primary topics that will be covered in the article.

Additionally, the article will concentrate on taxation features, financial accounting, and acquiring the necessary licenses and permits. The kinds of exceptional allows and licenses, as well as the methods for acquiring them in various locales, will be viewed as exhaustive. Finally, a summary of the discussion's findings and advice on investing in the mining industry will be provided.

Mining industry overview

Mining is one of the basic ventures of the worldwide economy. In terms of supplying raw materials for technology and manufacturing, the mineral resource sectors are crucial. The world mining market was worth US$2.3 trillion in 2023 and is expected to grow to US$3.1 trillion by 2028 at a CAGR of approximately 6.1%.

Unrefined components removed from mining are utilized in different businesses, including development, gadgets, auto, and energy. Copper and aluminum, for instance, are essential components for electrical wiring and building structures that are extracted from the earth. Mining is critical to insuring global energy security because natural pool like oil with gas continue to be major sources of energy.

Main types of minerals and their use

There are a few main categories of minerals that can be distinguished in the field of mineral extraction:

  • Metallic minerals : Aluminum, copper, gold, silver, and platinum are a few examples. Electronics, jewelry, and construction all make extensive use of these minerals. In 2023, for instance, gold accounted for approximately 60% of all precious metals mined worldwide.
  • Energy assets : natural gas, coal, and oil. These assets assume a key part in the energy equilibrium of nations, giving over 80% of worldwide energy utilization. Oil production was approximately 88 million barrels per day in 2023.
  • Modern minerals : limestone, salts, clay, and sand These materials are utilized in development, glass creation and the compound business. For instance, in 2023, the global market for sand and gravel reached US$1.5 trillion.
  • Elements of rare earths rare earths, cobalt, and lithium. Electronics and batteries for electric vehicles are examples of high-tech manufacturing applications that require these resources. The uncommon earth market was worth about $17.5 billion of every 2023 and keeps on developing.

Assessing the investment attractiveness of a region for establishing a mining company

The engaging quality of a locale for the foundation of an organization for the extraction of minerals is evaluated by many elements, every one of which can essentially influence the achievement and productivity of the mining industry . The most important factors to consider when evaluating the investment climate are listed below.

Geological potential 

The availability of mineral resources is the first and most crucial requirement for successful mining operations. The distribution and accessibility of minerals, as well as their types and quantities, ought to be the focus of a region's geological study. This includes information on reserves, ore qualities, and anticipated labor costs for extracting them. Regions with known large deposits, for instance, present significant investment opportunities. However, it is essential to take into account the inaccessibility of some resources, which may result in an increase in development expenses.

Political and financial security

The political soundness of a locale is basic for financial backers. Government instability, corruption, and modifications to mining legislation are all examples of political risks. Monetary dependability is likewise a significant thought - expansion, cash variances, and financial strategies can fundamentally affect an organization's monetary exhibition in the mining business.

Administrative and lawful circumstances

The administrative climate incorporates permitting necessities, natural consistence, and land privileges. Investors should think about the difficulty and cost of getting licenses for exploration and production, as well as the need to follow environmental regulations. There may be significant regional variations in the requirements and enforcement.

Logistics and infrastructure 

Development of infrastructure is essential to successful mining. The costs and effectiveness of operations can be significantly affected by the availability of transportation routes, accessibility to energy and water resources, and logistics capabilities. It is possible for additional infrastructure construction costs to raise overall investment costs in regions that are inaccessible or remote. Logistics and operational processes benefit from lower costs and risks thanks to well-developed infrastructure.

Policy on taxes and financial conditions 

The attractiveness of investments is also significantly influenced by policy on taxes and financial conditions. Charge rates, accessibility of duty motivations and conditions for bringing home income can essentially influence by and large productivity. A few nations give charge impetuses to mining organizations , which can be a critical motivation for financial backers.

Social and environmental factors 

Social factors, such as workforce relations and community relations, ought to be taken into consideration as well. A company's reputation can be enhanced and social conflicts prevented by cultivating relationships with local residents and adhering to standards of social responsibility. The need to adhere to environmental regulations, such as minimizing impacts on the ecosystem and ensuring safe working conditions, are examples of environmental factors. For instance, obligatory natural reclamation programs in the wake of mining activities increase the degree of ecological obligation of organizations.

Market and cost conditions

Product costs are likewise significant in deciding venture engaging quality. Investors are able to evaluate potential returns and risks by analyzing global commodity prices, supply and demand trends, and other factors. A mining company's financial performance can be significantly impacted by regional price fluctuations and global economic trends.

A comprehensive approach that takes into account geological potential, political and economic stability, regulatory conditions, infrastructure, tax policy, social and environmental factors, and market conditions is required to evaluate a region's investment appeal for starting a mining company. Investors can reduce the risks associated with mining by taking into account all of these factors and making educated decisions.

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General requirements and procedures for registering companies in the mining sector

The registration of a mining company involves a number of important steps and multiple stages. These steps may differ from jurisdiction to jurisdiction, but they can be summarized as follows:

  1. Evaluating the potential of the geology. At this point, it is necessary to investigate the region's geological conditions. The project's economic viability can be assessed by examining the mineral reserves, their distribution, and quality. Local and international standards must be followed when conducting geological studies.
  2. Setting up a marketable strategy . A comprehensive business plan that incorporates the project's objectives, strategic plan, risk assessment, financial forecasts, and market research is essential at the outset. A marketable strategy helps in drawing in speculation, yet in addition in getting the fundamental allowances and licenses.
  3. The company's registration with the law. The last stage is the legitimate enrollment of the organization. Choosing a legal form, submitting the necessary paperwork to the registration authorities, registering the business, and gaining legal status are all part of this procedure. The vital archives might incorporate legal reports, data about the proprietors and chiefs, and data about the legitimate location of the organization.
  4. Acquiring investigation and creation licenses . The next thing to do is to get permits for exploration and production. These licenses are expected to direct land overviews and really remove assets. Preparing and submitting applications, as well as meeting environmental and other requirements, are all part of the licensing process.
  5. Respect for social and environmental norms. Measures for social investment and environmental protection must be developed and implemented. This includes working with local communities, managing waste, and making plans to minimize impacts on the ecosystem. Conflicts will be avoided and legal requirements met with the aid of these measures.

Necessary licenses and permits in mining activities

Licensing in the field of mining covers several types of permits:

License name



Exploration Licenses

Allows geological exploration and mineral resource assessment. These licenses often include requirements for preliminary environmental assessments and reporting of survey results.

  • Research methods . Description of planned geophysical, geochemical and geological methods.
  • Environmental assessment . Preliminary assessments of potential impacts on the environment, including possible measures to minimize negative consequences.
  • Reporting . The obligation to provide interim and final reports on exploration results, including information on the reserves found and their characteristics.

Mining licenses

Grants the right to extract resources. To obtain such a license, it is necessary to provide a detailed plan for the development of the deposit, which includes extraction methods, infrastructure and measures to minimize the impact on the environment.

  • Mine development plan . A detailed description of the mining methods, including technological processes, infrastructure (road networks, storage facilities, processing plants) and plans for ensuring occupational safety.
  • Environmental reporting . A plan to minimize environmental impacts, including waste management measures, pollution control, and ecosystem restoration.
  • Financial guarantee : Some jurisdictions require financial guarantees or insurance to cover potential environmental risks and land restoration.

Environmental permits

Necessary to ensure compliance with environmental standards, these permits may include plans for pollution control, waste management, and ecosystem restoration after mining is complete.

  • Pollution control plans - Description of methods for controlling and preventing air, water, and soil pollution.
  • Waste management : A detailed plan for the collection, treatment and disposal of waste generated during mining and processing.
  • Ecosystem restoration . A plan for the restoration of ecosystems after the completion of an activity, including measures for land reclamation and restoration of vegetation.

Processing and export permits

If a company plans to process and export minerals, it will need to obtain the appropriate permits. These permits regulate product quality, processing methods, and export documentation requirements.

  • Product quality . Requirements for the quality and safety of products obtained as a result of processing, including compliance with standards and certification.
  • Processing methods . Description of technologies and processes for processing minerals that must comply with established standards.
  • Export documentation . Documents evidencing export rights, including export licenses, customs declarations, and certification documents required to export products abroad.

These licenses and permits play a key role in the organization and management of the mining business , ensuring that operations are legal and that all necessary standards and requirements are met.

Choosing a jurisdiction to start a mining business

While wanting to begin a business in the mineral asset improvement area, financial backers frequently check out at districts with rich mineral potential and promising monetary circumstances. Countries in Africa and Latin America, which are home to significant mineral reserves, have received particular attention in recent years. Due to their abundance of resources and relatively rapid economic growth, these regions provide numerous mining investment opportunities.

Africa, with its huge regions and various mineral assets, offers numerous likely business sectors for mining organizations. South Africa, Ghana, and Nigeria, in particular, have significant mineral reserves and provide numerous incentives to attract investors.

Latin America is additionally a significant community for mining exercises . Brazil, Peru, and Chile all have extensive resource bases and favorable conditions for mining company development.

In this segment, we will investigate the particulars of picking a purview for business exercises in the extraction of minerals , zeroing in on key parts of enlistment, getting important permitting licenses and tax collection in the most famous nations in Africa and Latin America.

Business registration in Africa


Republic of South Africa

One of the world's leading producers and processors of minerals is South Africa. The country is well-known for its abundance of resources, which include coal, chrome, gold, platinum, diamonds, and so on. Starting around 2023, South Africa stays one of the world's biggest makers of platinum bunch metals, as well as a huge player in the gold market. Some important sources are:

  • Gold: With key mines in the Witwatersrand region, South Africa boasts the world's largest gold reserves.
  • Platinum: Over 70% of the world's production of platinum group metals comes from this nation, which leads the industry.
  • Gemstones: South African precious stone mines, for example, Kimberley are known for their huge jewels.
  • Coal: significant coal reserves, which are utilized in metallurgy and power generation.
  • Chromium: Chromium, which is used to make stainless steel, is primarily produced in South Africa.
Company registration procedures

The Companies and Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC) requires an application to be submitted in order to register a mining company in South Africa. A set of documents is also provided, including the address of the business, information about shareholders and directors, and the articles of incorporation. The CIPC's requirements must be met by all papers. When the organization is enrolled, it should enlist with the South African Revenue Service (SARS) to get a citizen number.

Mining licenses

The Department of Mineral Resources and Energy (DMRE) requires licenses to start a mining business in South Africa.


In South Africa, mining companies are subject to the following tax rates and incentives:

Corporate taxation 

In South Africa, the main corporate tax rate is 27%. This assessment applies to the net gain of organizations from all sources, including pay from the extraction and offer of minerals.

  • Fees and royalties Mining-related businesses in South Africa are subjugated to a unique royalty formula.
  • For sanitized mineral assets it is addressed by the accompanying articulation:
  • 0.5 times [EBIT / (gross sales in relation to refined mineral resources x 12.5)] x 100, with a maximum of 5%.
  • The formula for minerals that have not been refined is:
  • 0.5 times 100 times [EBIT / (gross sales in relation to unrefined mineral resources x 9)] with a cap rate of 7%.

Based on the current state of the market, these calculations enable the royalty rate to be adapted to the mining operations' financial performance. Organizations are likewise expected to pay extra charges for authorizing and natural appraisals.

Tax incentives

Companies in South Africa's extractive sector can take advantage of a number of tax breaks, including the following:

  1. Depreciation at a faster rate: Fixed resources, including gear, can be deteriorated by 100 percent during the principal year of purpose.
  2. Venture credits: Credit for up to 40% of capital expenditures, including the costs of constructing infrastructure and implementing new technologies.
  3. Innovative work (Research and development) impetuses: On qualified R&D projects, a tax deduction of up to 150 percent of the costs.
  4. Credits on taxes for social investments a credit of up to twenty percent on investments in social projects like education, health care, and the development of community infrastructure in the local area.


Ghana is one of Africa's driving makers of gold, bauxite, manganese and precious stones. In recent years, Ghana's mining industry has expanded significantly as a result of political stability and an inviting investment climate. Ghana is Africa's second-largest gold producing, trailing only South Africa. It also exports manganese and diamonds in great quantities. Some important sources are:

  • Gold: Ghana is one of the world's driving gold makers, with significant stores in the Ashanti and Western Districts.
  • Bauxite: Ghana has huge stores of bauxite, a significant wellspring of aluminum, with stores in the Awasso locale.
  • Manganese: It is a Manganese ore, mainly mined in Western Ghana, is a major export for the nation.
  • Gemstones: Diamond deposits are renowned in Ghana, particularly in Eastern Ghana, where the most significant mines are situated.
Procedures for incorporating an enterprise

Setting up a mining company in Ghana starts with recording an application with the Enlistment center General's Branch of Ghana. To effectively enroll the organization, the organization's fundamental records are submitted, including data about the administration and investors, as well as the legitimate location of the organization. All reports should be submitted in English and meet administrative necessities. Registration with the Ghana Revenue Authority to obtain a tax identification number is the final stage of registration.

Mining licenses

The Ministry of Lands and Natural Resources in Ghana requires the appropriate licenses for mining activities. An application, which must include project documentation and an environmental assessment, is required before exploration and production are permitted.


The accompanying expense rates and motivating forces apply to mineral asset organizations in Ghana :

  • Corporate assessment 

The corporate charge rate for mining organizations is 35%. The company's net income from all sources, including mineral sales and extraction profits, are subject to this tax.

  • Eminences and charges

Ghana has a bound together duty on mining exercises, known as the Minerals and Mining Tasks Expense, or essentially Mineral Sovereignty, which is 5% of gross income. This duty applies to a wide range of mineral creation, including gold, bauxite, manganese and precious stones. The eminence rate is fixed and isn't impacted by variances in economic situations, however can be reconsidered by the public authority in case of changes in regulation.

Tax incentives In Ghana, mining companies can take advantage of the following tax breaks:

  • Devaluation: Fixed resources can be devalued utilizing a sped up deterioration plot, which permits up to 75% of the resource worth to be discounted in the initial three years of activity.
  • Venture credits: Tax reduction up to half of capital ventures focused on framework improvement and execution of new advancements.
  • Innovative work (Research and development) impetuses: Charge derivation of up to 120% of costs on innovative work projects connected with further developing creation techniques.
  • Natural Ventures: Investments in environmental protection and the restoration of mining-affected land receive tax breaks of up to 15%.


Nigeria is quite possibly Africa's biggest economy, wealthy in regular assets including oil, gas, coal, tin, limestone and gold. Nigeria's mining industry is blasting because of government drives to differentiate the economy and draw in interest in the mineral area. Nigeria is trying to decrease its reliance on oil and is creating other mineral assets. Some important sources are:

  • Gas and oil: Nigeria is one of the world's biggest makers of oil and petroleum gas, with significant stores in the Niger Delta.
  • Coal: The Enugu and Kogi districts, particularly in the country's southern and eastern regions, are home to the majority of coal reserves.
  • Tin:Tin stores are found in the Jos Level region, where columbite and tantalite are likewise mined.
  • Stone: Lime The central and southern regions of the country contain significant reserves of limestone, which are utilized in the cement industry.
  • Gold: Gold stores are situated in the northern districts like Zamfara and Kaduna.
Company registration procedures

The most common way of consolidating a mining organization in Nigeria starts with the recording of an application with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC). To effectively enroll, the organization's essential reports, including the articles of affiliation, subtleties of the administration and investors, and the enlisted office of the organization, should be submitted. All archives should be submitted in English and meet the CAC rules. The Federal Inland Revenue Service (FIRS) issues a Tax Identification Number (TIN) during the final stage of registration.

Mining licenses

Through the Ministry of Mines and Steel Development, licenses are needed to start a mining business in Nigeria. Deposit exploration, extraction, and development all require permits. A risk management strategy, an environmental assessment, and design documentation submission are required for these.


Businesses operating in Nigeria's mining industry can take advantage of the following tax breaks and rates:

Income Tax

The mining company corporate tax rate is 30%. The company's net income from all sources, including mineral sales and extraction profits, is subject to this rate.

Fees and Royalties

In Nigeria, mining companies are obligated to pay royalties for the minerals they extract. Key features:

  • Royalties from oil and gas: Depending on the kind of field and where it is, rates can vary by up to 30 percent.
  • Royalty on Coal: The royalty rate is 3% of the coal industry's gross revenue.
  • Tiny riches: Tin has a royalty rate of three percent of gross revenue.
  • Limestone eminence: The eminence rate for limestone is 5% of gross income.
  • Gold aristocracy: Gold mining has a royalty rate of 3% of gross revenue.

Royalties can be altered in accordance with new legislation, but they are fixed and do not change based on market conditions.

Tax incentives

Businesses in the mineral resources sector in Nigeria can take advantage of the following tax breaks:

  • Devaluation. During the first five years of operation, fixed assets can be depreciated at an accelerated rate, allowing up to 95% of the asset's value to be written off.
  • Venture credits. Credit for up to 20% of capital expenditures for the development of new technologies and infrastructure
  • Innovative work (research and development) impetuses. Charge derivation of up to 120% of costs on innovative work projects connected with further developing strategies for mineral extraction and handling.
  • Motivations for new financial backers. Corporate duty exemption for as long as 5 years for new mining organizations that make foundation and occupations in far off regions.

Company registration in Latin America



Brazil is one of the world's biggest mining nations, with huge stores of iron metal, bauxite, gold, nickel and different minerals. The mining business assumes a vital part in the nation's economy, producing critical commodity incomes. Brazil is a forerunner in iron metal and nickel creation, and is likewise effectively creating gold and bauxite minelaying. Some important sources are:

  • Ore of iron: With significant deposits in the states of Minas Gerais and Pará, Brazil is one of the world's largest producers and exporters of iron ore.
  • Iron ore: The nation is one of the main makers of bauxite, utilized in aluminum creation, with the biggest stores in the Amazon locale.
  • Gold: The super gold stores are situated in the focal and northern pieces of the nation, including the territories of Pará and Minas Gerais.
  • Nickel: Brazil is one of the world's driving nickel makers, with enormous stores in the territories of Goiás and Minas Gerais.
  • Copper: Critical copper saves are tracked down in the northern districts of the nation, including the territory of Pará.
Company registration procedures

The foundation of a mining organization in Brazil is started by recording an application with the Provincial Monetary Chamber (Junta Comercial) of the particular state. The company's articles of incorporation, information on key managers and shareholders, and the legal address are provided in order to successfully register the organization. The last move toward enrollment is the task of a duty recognizable proof number (Cadastro Nacional da Pessoa Jurídica, CNPJ) to the organization through the Brazilian Government Expense Administration (Receita Bureaucratic).

Mining licenses

The National Mining Agency (Agência Nacional de Mineraço, ANM) issues licenses necessary for mineral resource exploration and exploitation in Brazil. The issuance of licenses for investigation, extraction and advancement of stores requires the introduction of venture documentation, including an ecological effect appraisal and a natural recovery plan.


In Brazil, mining companies are subject to the following tax rates and incentives:

Corporate taxation

Mining companies pay a basic corporate tax rate of 34%. There are two parts to this tax: the Social Contribution to Profit, or CSLL, of 9% and the 25% Corporate Income Tax (Imposto de Renda das Pessoas Jurdicas, IRPJ) are both applicable.

Eminences and expenses

  • Mining organizations in Brazil are expected to pay eminences on the minerals they separate. Key features:
  • Iron metal sovereignty: The royalty rate is 3.5 percent of iron ore mining's total revenue.
  • Royalty from bauxite: The eminence rate for bauxite is 3% of gross income.
  • Gold aristocracy: Gold mining has a royalty rate of 1.5% of gross revenue.
  • Nickel eminence: Nickel's royalty rate is 2% of gross revenue.
  • Copper aristocracy: The eminence rate on copper mining is 2% of gross income.
Tax incentives mining

The following tax breaks are available to Brazilian businesses:

  • Devaluation. During the first five years of use, fixed assets can be depreciated at a faster rate, allowing up to 50% of the asset's value to be written off.
  • Venture credits. Tax reduction up to 30% of capital speculations pointed toward growing new stores and modernizing existing ones.
  • Innovative work (research and development) impetuses. Up to 200 percent of the costs of research and development projects aimed at enhancing methods of mineral extraction and processing can be deducted from taxes.
  • Incentives for projects in outlying regions. Corporate expense exception for as long as 10 years for projects in low-improvement regions like the Amazon and northeastern states.


  • The following tax breaks are available to Brazilian businesses:
  • Devaluation . During the first five years of use, fixed assets can be depreciated at a faster rate, allowing up to 50% of the asset's value to be written off.
  • Venture credits . Tax reduction up to 30% of capital speculations pointed toward growing new stores and modernizing existing ones.
  • Innovative work (research and development) impetuses . Up to 200 percent of the costs of research and development projects aimed at enhancing methods of mineral extraction and processing can be deducted from taxes.

Peru is one of the world's leading mining nations and offers incentives for projects in remote areas due to its vast reserves of copper, gold, silver, zinc, and other minerals. Peru's economy relies heavily on the mining sector, which generates significant revenues from investments and exports. The nation is a forerunner in copper and silver mining, and is effectively creating gold and other metal mining. Some important sources are:

  • Copper: The Ancash, Apurmac, and Arequipa regions contain significant copper deposits, making Peru the world's second-largest copper producer.
  • Gold: Peru is one of the main gold makers in Latin America, with enormous stores in the Cajamarca and La Libertad areas.
  • Silver: The Pasco and Junin regions contain significant silver deposits, making the nation one of the world's largest silver producers.
  • Zinc: Peru is a huge world maker of zinc, with stores in the Ancash and Pasco districts.
  • Tin: Tin deposits can be found in the country's southern regions, particularly in the Puno department.

Corporate expense exception for as long as 10 years for projects in low-improvement regions like the Amazon and northeastern states.

Company registration procedures

Fuse of a mineral investigation organization in Peru starts with recording an application with the Public Director of Enrollment and Public Legal officials (Superintendencia Nacional de los Registros Públicos, SUNARP). You are required to provide the articles of association, information about the directors and shareholders, and the company's legal address in order to incorporate. A tax identification number (Registro nico de Contribuyentes, RUC) from the National Fiscal Administration (Superintendencia Nacional de Aduanas y de Administración Tributaria, SUNAT) is required once the business is incorporated.

Mining licenses

Mining activities in Peru require licenses from the Ministry of Energy and Mines (Ministerio de Energía y Minas, MINEM). Licenses are issued for exploration, extraction, and development of deposits and require project documentation, including an environmental assessment and an environmental remediation plan.


The following tax rates and incentives apply to mining companies in Peru :

Corporate tax

The basic corporate tax rate for mining companies is 29.5%. This tax applies to a company's net income from all sources, including revenue from the extraction and sale of minerals.

Royalties and fees

Mineral resource companies in Peru are required to pay royalties on the minerals they extract. Key features:

  • Royalties on copper, gold, silver, zinc: The royalty rate varies from 1% to 12% depending on the level of profit and gross revenue from production.
  • Tin Royalty: The royalty rate on tin mining is 3% of gross revenue.

Royalty rates vary depending on the company's profits and revenue levels, allowing for flexible regulation of the tax burden on mining companies.

Tax Incentives

The following tax incentives are available for mining companies in Peru:

  • Depreciation. Fixed assets can be depreciated using an accelerated depreciation scheme, which allows up to 80% of the asset value to be written off during the first four years of operation.
  • Investment loans. Tax credit up to 30% of capital investments aimed at developing new deposits and modernizing existing ones.
  • Research and Development (R&D) incentives. Tax deduction of up to 150% of expenses on research and development projects related to improving methods of mineral extraction and processing.
  • Benefits for projects in remote regions. Exemption from corporate tax for up to 5 years for projects implemented in remote regions with a low level of economic development.


Chile is a world leader in copper mining and one of the largest producers of gold, silver and lithium. The country occupies an important place in the global mining industry due to its huge reserves and stable investment environment. Chile actively attracts international companies, offering favorable conditions for doing business in the mining sector. The main minerals include:

  • Copper. Chile is the world's largest copper producer, producing about 28% of the world's total. The main deposits are located in the northern part of the country, in the Antofagasta and Atacama regions.
  • Gold. Chile is one of the leading gold producers in Latin America. The main gold-producing areas are in the Atacama and Coquimbo regions.
  • Silver: The country occupies an important place in silver production, with large deposits in the central and northern regions.
  • Lithium: Chile has the world's largest reserves of lithium, which is mined from the salt flats of the Atacama Desert and used in the production of batteries.
Company registration procedure

To set up a mining company in Chile, you must register with the Registry of Companies (Registro de Empresas y Sociedades) and obtain approval from the National Geological and Mining Administration Service (Servicio Nacional de Geología y Minería, SERNAGEOMIN). The application must include the company's incorporation documents, information about the directors and shareholders, and the legal address. All documents must be in Spanish and comply with Chilean law. Once the company is registered, you must obtain a tax identification number (Rol Único Tributario, RUT) from the Chilean Tax Service (Servicio de Impuestos Internos, SII).

Licensing and permits

In order to operate in Chile, mining companies must obtain permits from SERNAGEOMIN and the Ministry of Mines (Ministerio de Minería). Exploration and production licenses are issued on the basis of project documentation, which must include an environmental impact assessment (Evaluación de Impacto Ambiental, EIA).


Mining companies in Chile are subject to the following taxes and fees:

  • Corporate tax

The corporate income tax rate is 27%. This tax is levied on the company's net income from all activities, including the extraction and sale of minerals.

  • Special Tax on Mineral Extraction (Impustó-Specifico)

Companies engaged in the extraction of copper and other minerals are required to pay a special tax, which varies from 8% to 26% depending on the volume of extraction, the mineral and the level of profit.

Tax incentives

Mining companies in Chile can take advantage of a number of tax incentives:

  • Depreciation: Companies can depreciate equipment and fixed assets using an accelerated method, allowing up to 50% of the asset's value to be written off over the first three years of use.
  • Investment incentives. Tax credit of up to 20% on capital investments aimed at developing new deposits or modernizing infrastructure.
  • R&D benefits. Tax deduction of up to 150% of expenses on research and development work related to innovations in the extraction and processing of minerals.
  • Export tax exemption: Companies that export extracted minerals may receive a partial export tax exemption, which helps reduce their overall tax liability.

Investment management tips in the mining sector

Investing in the mining industry can offer significant growth opportunities, but it also comes with a number of unique risks. Here are some key investment management strategies for this industry:

  1. Deep understanding of the regulatory environment. Investors need to carefully study the laws and statutory governing mining in the target country. It is important to consider both local and international environmental requirements, safety regulations, and labor standards.
  2. Assessing geological and market risks. Before investing, it is important to conduct a detailed assessment of the deposits, taking into account their accessibility, ore quality, and potential production volume. In addition, market conditions such as demand and prices for ores and metals should be analyzed. These measures provide a basis for structuring a mineral business , allowing investors to minimize risks and maximize potential returns on their mining investments.
  3. Partnerships and licensing: In many markets, partnering with local companies can be a profitable strategy. It is also critical to ensure that all necessary licenses and permits are obtained to avoid legal and operational issues in the future.
  4. Technological innovation. Investments in advanced technologies can significantly improve mining efficiency and reduce environmental impact. The use of automation, digitalization and smart technologies helps reduce operating costs and improve worker safety.
  5. Environmental sustainability and social responsibility. Sustainability and social responsibility are becoming increasingly important aspects of management in the mining sector. Investors should strive to minimize environmental damage and improve the lives of local communities. In the context of establishing companies for the extraction of natural resources , it is also important to consider strategies that can help reduce environmental impacts and strengthen social responsibility.
  6. Diversifying your investments: Including assets from different geographic regions and different types of minerals can help reduce overall investment risk.

These strategies will help investors not only maximize the potential profit from their mining investments, but also reduce potential risks.


The mining sector continues to be one of the most attractive areas for investment due to its high potential for growth and development. Registering a mining company is a complex process that requires a thorough understanding of both the legal and economic aspects of the activity in the chosen jurisdiction. Investors and entrepreneurs who are ready to solve complex problems and are able to adapt to changing market conditions can find significant opportunities for profit. It is important, however, to always consider potential risks and seek to minimize them through diversification and sustainable resource management.

IQ Decision plays a vital role in supporting investors and entrepreneurs at all stages of the process of registering and managing a company in the mining sector. Our team of experts provides comprehensive support, from initial analysis and planning to implementation and subsequent project support.