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Registering an LTD in Great Britain requires using the words‘Limited’ or ‘LTD’ in its name. Those considering starting a company in Wales can also use their Welsh equivalents, i.e. “Cyfyngedig” or “CYF”. If it’s a PLC, then the  "PLC" or "Public Limited Company" must be used at the end of a company’s name. Complying with this requirement isn’t necessary if you register an LLC in Great Britain.

Searching for Similar Names

Using a name that’s too similar to the name of an already registered company is prohibited. Checking the availability of a name is a prerequisite for registering a company in Great Britain

Enterprises belonging to the same group are allowed to have similar names. If they aren’t in the same group, you can get written confirmation that the other company has no objections to your company having an identical name.

Those seeking to start a business in Great Britain should keep in mind that even if a name is sufficiently different, there may still be objections to it being used. You can also face a lawsuit if you use a similar name for the purpose of deriving financial benefit from the reputation of that organization.

You may be denied registration if the registrar considers a name to be offensive. Hence, you should be prepared to justify your choice. Those wishing to launch a business in Great Britain should keep in mind that using some words & phrases (e.g. words denoting connection with government agencies, qualifications or professions) requires getting special permission. 

British Company Registration: TM

If you use an unregistered name, it must be dissimilar to the one that an already existing company uses (especially if it’s a TM). Using a similar name will be deemed a violation & contested in a court of law for infringement of TM rights in Great Britain.

Displaying a Company Name

Normally, companies are required to display their name at their registered addresses & wherever they do their business. However, they may not do that if:

  • it’s a residential address;
  • it isn’t a location where a company has a registered office; 
  • a bankruptcy trustee is appointed for a company.

Including a company’s name, as well as indicating a company’s name in business letters, order forms & on websites, is a must. You must also specify your company’s number, registered address & country of registration. Confirming that an LLC is registered is a prerequisite as well.

Changing a Name

Changing a name after incorporating a company in Great Britain requires its shareholders to give their permission for it. Please keep in mind that some laws can restrict their powers or require them to give permission using a different method (e.g. by allowing directors to grant it). Changing a name requires filing a request with the regulator (online or by mail), completing the NM01or NM04 forms & paying a special fee.

Considering opening a company in Great Britain? Need advice on company registration in Great Britain? Why not contact IQ Decision UK?