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Trademarks represent registered IP rights which protect marks, designs, and expressions & help identify services & products associated with a particular manufacturer.

Procedure for Registering TMs in the UK

Understanding what brands are all about requires knowing how enterprises use “marks” with respect to the goods/services they produce/offer.

Commercial entities frequently add different signs to the products/services that they produce/provide. Those may include names or logos that help customers understand where those products/services originate from. If, for instance, you are willing to register a trademark in Great Britain, other companies will be unable to utilize an identical trademark for their products/services unless you allow them to.

By registering their TMs companies get extremely valuable assets, particularly if their merchandise/services get more popular with customers in time. Registering key TMs in Great Britain (e.g. names & logos) is, therefore, an essential prerequisite for the growth of any business.

Brand Protection

Obtaining ownership of a TM in England is important because it increases your chances of protecting your brand. Failure to do so may lead to financial losses and reputational damage. Why?

Because customers will tend to associate inferior-quality products manufactured by imitators with your company.

As your company grows, it gets increasingly popular with customers. Registering a trademark in England is, therefore, assumes ever greater importance because it helps ensure its further popularity. Attributes which enterprises rely on for identification of their merchandise end up being extremely valuable. And here’s why:

  • They help general public discern your merchandise/services from those of competitors;
  • Marked merchandise/services have an added value to them which translates into higher prices.
  • One is able to conclude a franchise agreement in Great Britain with other legal entities & individuals, thus enabling them to make use of your brand for increasing their business & earnings.

Need legal advice on protection of IP rights? Looking for help with drawing up a franchise agreement? Seeking legal support for franchise transactions in England? IQ Decision UK can help you with that and more.

Why Does Failure to Register a Trademark in Great Britain Result in Lower Earnings & Losses?

A brandless company is still able to operate but it will inevitably run into problems eventually. Hence, it is very important to prevent others from using your company’s name (including merchandise/services).

If they’re already in use, the company may be accused of committing trademark infringement, which can lead to costly and complex legal procedures & may not always result in favourable outcome for it.

Registering a TM in England ensures that a company is able to use the name without being threatened with lawsuits by trademark owners. It also allows the trademark owner to protect their rights in relation to legal entities or individuals that may use identical or similar marks as a way of diverting trade from them.

Brand Protection Without Registering TM

Companies may protect their unregistered marks by resorting to the tort of ‘passing off’. However, it is a rather costly endeavour and one that can take a lot of time. 

Businesses that want to grow nationally and internationally (and avoid rebranding and complicated procedures) will, therefore, be far better off registering a trademark in Great Britain. 

Registering a TM in the UK

In the UK, anyone can register a trademark online with the IPO. All it takes is filling out an application form and paying the prescribed fee.

Contacting real professionals can also be a good option in this case. Our company can provide legal assistance in registering a TM in Great Britain and preparing a franchise agreement in England. We also provide our clients with legal advice on matters pertaining to peaceful resolution of IP disputes in Great Britain.